
How Green Is Your Tax Credit?

Posted in Energy by gogreenwithnuera on September 5, 2011
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Here’s how to cash in on new tax breaks for energy conservation.

There’s no break yet for installing a low-flush toilet, or planting sod on your roof.

But there’s a new or expanded federal tax incentive this year for just about every other green improvement for your home, thanks to provisions Congress tucked into February’s $787 billion stimulus and the $700 billion bank bailout passed last October.

The new laws are particularly generous to wealthy, dedicated greens, who can save tens of thousands when they install expensive solar, geothermal or even wind power systems to reduce the carbon footprints of their mansions. (Yes, Al Gore, that means you.)

But the stimulus also offers a $1,500 tax credit for the average Joe who’d like to upgrade his attic insulation, install a storm door or energy-saving windows, or buy a new furnace before energy prices spike again.